
Nine Stars for Moscow as Russia Gets Its First Michelin Guide Put down those plates full of pelmeni, pass by the carts packed with pirozhki, and keep the blini and borscht on a slow cook on the stove. Muscovites no longer down pints of vodka and lament their culinary deprivation while reminiscing on the halcyon days of the Cold War. Great food has finally arrived in the motherland, a fact...

Boozy, Snoozy, Chocolatey Beer Cake

This chocolate beer cake doesn't contain nearly enough alcohol to get anyone drunk - even if you never drink beer, abhorring the taste as in my case, or even if you feed the cake in mushed form to your newborn daughter or son. You can eat this cake or foist it off onto others and simply go about your...

A Perfectly Simple Peanut Butter Smoothie

So you've spread yourself some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and your peanut butter cheesecake with an oreo crumb is contentedly chilling all alone in the fridge, and you've sat yourself down and are ready to surfeit on a delicious dinner - but hold on, you doofus, don't you need something to drink? After all peanut butter has a propensity for...

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