Cultureteca 09.08.15

This week’s Cultureteca looks back over the first episodes of the first season of Game of Thrones; notes an interview between Richard Herring and Louis Theroux; and depicts the final Daily Show...

Cultureteca 02.08.15

This week’s Cultureteca views Ronda Rousey in Rio, and some of the curious overlaps between today’s UFC and WWE; a week’s worth of rap, featuring an album announcement by Dr. Dre, a new...

Cultureteca 26.07.15

For the opening part of this week’s Cultureteca, let’s look back precisely one hundred years, to some of the poetry being published in the Russian Empire and the United States in July...

Cultureteca 17.07.15

A new feature here at Culturedarm, Cultureteca ought to prove a weekly collection of stuff on and off the internet: snatches of music, videos humorous or otherwise, snippets of literature, sometimes art,...