Jlin – Akoma

Since her last solo album Black Origami – which musically still feels of the present moment, but factually came out in something of a time that land forgot, way back when in...

Tracks of the Week 01.04.23

Singing through a ring modulator offset by the distortions and amplifications of the surrounding band, which drew upon an unconventional background in aspects of Dixieland jazz, Indian classical ragas, John Cage, and...

Tracks of the Week 24.09.22

Ancestors loom large over the playlist this week, signalling the way before finding themselves subsumed by the throb and hum, as Björk tallies with familiar collaborators James Merry and Andrew Thomas Huang,...

Tracks of the Week 17.09.22

With oblique references to ‘The Anchor Song’ and ‘Hyperballad’ plus the Georges Bataille favourite Story of the Eye, this week through the fanfare of retreating horns and a subterranean bass squelch Björk...