Tracks of the Week 27.06.20

The Spanish word ‘mequetrefe’, which roughly translates as ‘good-for-nothing’, can be applied equally to a lousy person or a shoddy product and carries other connotations, of nosiness, boisterousness, a sort of persistent...

Cultureteca 21.06.20

Coronavirus continued to spread this week following an increasingly familiar course. That meant surging cases across South Asia, Latin America, and parts of the contiguous United States, creeping infections in Africa, mounting...

Tracks of the Week 18.04.20

In torrents of percussion and escalation of voice, from the narrowest ravine to space’s darkest expanse, with characteristic wit and irrepressible candour, on her first album in eight years Fiona Apple sustains...

Cultureteca 12.04.20

As the world endured another stretch in the stockades of coronavirus, the start of the week brought mixed messages, with the crisis easing in previous hotspots across Asia and continental Europe while...

Cultureteca 29.03.20

Now a truly global pandemic with a tight hold on economies, health systems, and ways of life across East Asia, Europe, North America and beyond, the beginning of the week saw cases...